cps@nfsb.qc.ca 450 692-8251
** Calendar Update ** Due to Snow Days - March 21, April 11, May 20 are now regular school days **

Problem at School?

Unfortunately there may be times you, or your child, are unhappy with how things are going at school. Although most problems can be solved by talking to your child’s teacher or other school staff members, you may feel you need additional guidance or support.

See below for information on our Anti-Bullying/Anti-Violence Plan, as well as the province-wide complaints’ process.

Anti-Bullying/Anti Violence

In accordance with Quebec’s Law 19 (Bill 56 – An Act to Prevent and Deal with Bullying and Violence in Schools), CPS has implemented a detailed Anti-Bullying & Anti-Violence Plan. Please refer to this summary. You may contact the school for more information. 

There may be times when you, or your child, feel adversely affected by a decision made at the school, adult centre, or school board. 

On August 28, 2023, the National Student Ombudsman became responsible for applying the complaint and report processing procedure in Québec’s education system. As part of this province-wide and standardized procedure, Quebec’s Student Ombudsman is assisted by Regional Student Ombudsmen throughout the province. In terms of handling complaints and reports, the mandate of the National Student Ombudsman includes handling complaints and reports for all sectors of education in Québec including preschool, elementary, high school, vocational training, adult education, and home schooling.

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